So lately I've been feeling surrounded by
love. I haven't posted anything in FOREVER! I know I'm a horrible blogger. My classes this summer have killed me! I'm excited to announce as well that I am leaving the graveyard shift. So let's take a moment to have a tribute.
A Tribute to My Life as a Vampire1) Thanks to my life as a vampire or as I like to call it MLAAV, I have been able to be current on all the latest news, facebook status of friends, and emails.
2)I have also had plenty of time to miss my family members which means that when they see me they are excited and it isn't "Oh hey, it's you again."
3) My husband's girlfriend has been getting lots of extra attention (we have a cute nickname for her...PS3)
4) My cats have become attached to what they think is their new owner, because they forgot me.
5) I have made good friends with bug spray and fly swatters, because apparently the bugs only come out at night.
6) I'm now an expert at office yoga...just don't tell my boss that I'm doing the downward dog at 3:00am.
7) I am now the poster child for sunscreen, because Lord knows this MLAAV hasn't seen any sun in months.
8) I have actually ENJOYED the heat outside because I never get to see it :)
9) I have become BFF's with my coworker over the phone at the other location of our office.
10) And the best part about MLAAV has definitely been cranking up the music and zoning out to get my homework done :)
So I'm moving on, Sianara pale skin...hello golden skin and vitamin D!!! Hello world!
So in celebration of my new schedule, my husband are in the process of decorating our balcony. We began by cleaning off the balcony, and planting a few plants. We have some planters from our old apartment that FINALLY went up. Pictures to come very soon! Anyway, now we have a wonderfully realxing balcony including plant stands, sunflowers, a random palm type tree, purple flowers, and yellow wild looking ones. Can you tell I don't like official names of plants? I like to name plants by what they look like for example: Spikey leaves, wild yellow hair, curly green buds, and my personal favorite purpulus a plantus :)
So Matt and I also went on a short vacation last week. We went to the Canton flea market. It was BLAZING hot!!! This cannot be overemphasized. There was practically NO wind, and it was 108 degrees outside!!! Ouch! Luckily for me I am still living MLAAV, so I was virtually unaffected. I don't even think I got sunburned, just maybe a new freckle or two. Anyway, we then spent three glorious nights at the most amazing B&B. Pictures are also coming on this one :) As soon as Matt gets himself a new job, we are going to buy ourselves a flipping sweet new Canon camera. Any suggestions on a particular one? We can't wait to have professional looking pictures. Ok well that's all for now, if I update completely, we'd be here all night!!!