Matt is still unemployed which has limited my time to working extra shifts and studying in my free time. Which makes me feel like this...

On a brighter note! Matt has given me permission to turn out dining room into a craft/dining room!!! This has been my latest project. I received so many lovely things for Christmas and was so blessed by the abilities I have to spend my free time crafting (in the future of course). So I want to prepare my space so I can focus on crafting! I have like a gagillion new years resolutions this always. So I thought I would sum it up by saying that I am just trying to improve in all areas of my life. So each day I am focusing on one thing and attacking it. So far I have done a decent job of making phone calls to friends and family that I haven't seen in a while, and reorganizing my house. This week begins my health kick off which includes working out at least three times a week and eating more often at home as well as cooking (NOT A DIET). I repeat this is NOT A DIET. I don't do diets anymore. I'm ready to begin my new year at school, but I am a little terrified of my senioritis controlling my decisions. More to come on this...