Why are men such baby's when they are sick?
This is him snuggled up with our Audrey cat who we nickname "Little Kitty" because she is a huge ball of gray fluff but underneath that she weighs Mayyybe 6 lbs. Anyway, so after taking care of three people (Matt, and the two cats) I pretty much am at the end of my patience. I also determined that I was suffering from compassion fatigue last week. I have a huge case load of clients right now and then we had an incident at work that has just been eating at me. I couldn't put my finger on it but when I came home and Matt was sniffing and coughing I basically handed him some NYquil and said "Get over it". Obviously, it only took about one day of my being a total jerk for me to snap out of it. It was like once it hit me that I was just empathetically depleted it all made sense and I was able to push it aside and continue on with taking care of the house and him. These last ten months have been so hard that I didn't think I could make it any longer, but I am feeling so much better now. My new schedule this semester has drastically changed my life, especially since I haven't been called in to work in a week now!!! My first week without working at my fourth job :) It feels good :)
Anyway, back to this weekend. So by some rather unfortunate incidents all of the girls signed up to go this weekend are now unable to attend, so they didn't need me anymore. So I'm like whoa! Wait a minute...I'm going to be alone in the house? For one night and two days!!!! My list of things to due is endless!!! But here is a taste of what I have in mind...

I'll let you know all about it when Lindzday has been fully celebrated :)
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